Dear Logbook, two hundredth twentieth day of a new life.
My Diary, already back in these lands that welcomed us a little more than three years ago, I am writing to you to celebrate, to remember or to embrace what happened a year ago today. That August 22, 2019, Marta, my better half whom I love, and I, were working when suddenly I received a call from the hematologic doctor at SöS hospital to tell me that the fears or the possibility of suffering from Hodgkin’s disease or let’s call it cancer, it was confirmed. They are seconds in which I recognize that I did not collapse, or so I think, I assumed the confirmation of the news in the best way I could. I don’t really know, or I don’t remember if I was very sad or not. The fact is that I knew that whatever it was, for Marta, Martín and Gadea I would put everything on my side to defeat or heal myself.
Many times, we do not realize how I could change your life in an instant, be it due to a serious illness such as in this case, an accident, or whatever. Sometimes we seem oblivious to what is really going on around us thinking that “Buah, that won’t happen to me … I’m young, an athlete, I feel good, that won’t happen to me …”. But we must be aware that cancer, some call it the disease of the XXI century, although now we think about the happy BICHO. But yes, some say that 1 in 3, others that 1 in 2, throughout her life will suffer. But it’s true, I think that until it happens to you, you don’t face it. Well, it is not something simple that you can prepare in advance. In short, reflections of this cabin boy who today a year ago experienced a change in her life. And not only me, but also the people around me. I’m really sorry to make you go through these bad times, but you know, it’s to give a little war.
But hey, as with everything in life, things are learned, one is strengthened, they say. I do not know, the fact is that something that of course is safe, you stop being the same as before. I think it is better. You value, if you no longer did, things differently. You order, if you haven’t done it before, the priorities of life. Anyway, it changes.
And little else I wanted to tell you. If I want to take this opportunity again to thank all of you who have been there this year. Thank you, this expedition of this cabin boy would have been much more difficult. This cabin boy would have had more swells, storms, storms if you hadn’t been there. That is why, as the saying goes, “It is well born to be grateful.” Thank you.
For me. I feel good. Physically little by little better. The achilles tendon pains are still there. Maybe one year they will leave, I don’t know. In a few weeks, I don’t know when, I’ll have the 8-month review. I suppose, My Diary, that I will tell you how everything turns out. Let us trust that it runs its course. I always say the same thing to everyone. If for whatever reason, my “friend” returns, then “we will fight” to make him go away again. We will do it with the same encouragement, the same spirit and if they let me, with the same strength as this year. But let’s trust that we continue in separate destinations and directions as they told me 220 days ago today. Day 0 of my new life, as I call it.
Well, my Diary, little else this cabin boy tells you for today.
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