Dear Logbook, fifth day of the first trip.
Yesterday turned out to be a nice day and, on that walk that I was telling you about, I discovered new spots of this land. Backwaters and peace, where one can feel calm and relaxed. The walk was at a quiet pace for almost two hours, in enjoyment of the city, its people and its views. And, of course, to help the body get prepared for the following exciting voyages.
I suppose that, as a result of introducing more fiber in my diet, the latrine problems have disappeared for the time being. Surely, walking about 8 km has also helped.
The night has passed like so many others, sleeping soundly for a few hours, being awake for a few more and then falling back to sleep again. Nothing new for this sailor that is not stressed anymore about this new situation, partly due to certain magic drinks that help make this trip and voyages shorter.
The sun rises in the city and today they forecast a minimum of 3-4 degrees. The cold of the north is beginning to be noticeable. If the weather continues like this, the first snow will fall shortly, but even with good skins and several layers of clothing it is possible to go for a walk after the ASIH crew’s visit today.
The crew came, and we talked for a while about how this sailor is and they have taken away the precious red liquid. Now it is time for them to evaluate how it performs after receiving the liquids during the past crossings.
Physically I feel very well. As I told you, my fevers of more than 39-40 in August began to disappear on September 8th thanks to a magic potion, and that is still the situation today. This helps to have more comfortable and restful nights.
I must say that, due to the liquids received on the voyages, this Sailor that is writing is not allowed to do anything other than walk, ride a bike or travel by carriage, all of them private means of transport. These are moments and days to enjoy the streets. Later, other months will come, when I will be able to feel human warmth in enclosed spaces or use means of transport different from those I am using now. But at the moment it is time to avoid being infected with strange diseases that my body could fight only gradually with less-than-normal rigor and strength.
Now, after taking some food, I proceed to walk again towards mysterious, hidden places. In short, different places where new adventures on the mainland a wait. We must take advantage of these moments of absence of crossings to try to be fit, because on deck it is difficult to do so.
And on this day with little more to tell you, I can only say that I suppose the next log in the diary will be on the 23rd, when we are set sail for another voyage. This will be the fourth one since we joined the KS. If something out of the ordinary happened on the mainland, I would write it down. We will see what happens on the 21st and 22nd.