Stockholm, June 17, 2022
Friday, 17 June 2022
Dear Logbook, last page of this chapter that began back in September 2019 My Diary today is a very important day for me, it is more the emotion that overwhelms me while I capture my emotions, my feelings, they lead me to shed some tears. And why would you wonder? Today, yes, yes, I conclude
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Stockholm, March 14, 2022
Monday, 14 March 2022
Dear Logbook, a new life begins and another ends. My Diary, I repeat to you almost the same as the last time I reflected my thoughts on these pages. I do NOT forget about you, there is not a day that goes by that I do not remember cancer, neither mine nor the cancers of
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Stockholm, November 25, 2021
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Dear Logbook, near the beginning of the second year of a new life. My Diary, I tell you the same thing as the last time. I don’t forget you. But like everything in life. This, the life, must go on and turn the page. YES, it is true that the fact that started this logbook
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Stockholm, September 8, 2021
Wednesday, 08 September 2021
Dear Logbook, a few weeks before the beginning of the second year of a new life. Oh, my dear Diary! I have not forgotten you. Sorry if you feel that way. But what has happened since that day in May, the eve of the Feast of the Virgin of Fatima, would be long to tell,
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Stockholm, May 12, 2021
Wednesday, 12 May 2021
Dear Logbook, weeks after the first year of a new life. My dear Diary, today I am writing to tell you what happened at this time. More than three months have passed since my last write. That is a sign that life has happened without great news. I was saying goodbye to you saying that
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Stockholm, January 29, 2021
Friday, 29 January 2021
Dear Logbook, days after the first year of a new life. My dear Diary, today I am writing to you with mixed feelings. Today should be a day of joy and happiness, to be able to say that for now I am still cancer free. But other events these days sadden my family and the
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Stockholm, January 15, 2021
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Dear Logbook, first year of a new life. My diary. It’s been almost two months since I last wrote to you. Life has changed and continues to change a lot during all this time. At this time, the named “bug” is still with us and causing havoc and sadness. Let us trust that in this
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Stockholm, November 25, 2020
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Dear Logbook, three hundred and fifteenth day of a new life. Oh my Logbook, please don’t be mad at me. So many days without writing to you. This has been the longest period of time I haven’t written to you. But I confess one thing. Yes, I have opened you, and at times I have
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Stockholm, September 16, 2020
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Dear Logbook, two hundred and forty-fifth day of a new life. Today my diary a year ago that I was enlisting in the ranks of the KS ship to begin my expedition. Hard days on the high seas where the potions supplied had an effect. A year has already passed! A year of changes, of
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Stockholm, August 22, 2020
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Dear Logbook, two hundredth twentieth day of a new life. My Diary, already back in these lands that welcomed us a little more than three years ago, I am writing to you to celebrate, to remember or to embrace what happened a year ago today. That August 22, 2019, Marta, my better half whom I
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