Dear Logbook, near the beginning of the second year of a new life.
My Diary, I tell you the same thing as the last time. I don’t forget you. But like everything in life. This, the life, must go on and turn the page. YES, it is true that the fact that started this logbook more than two years ago will be present for my life, in my daily life. What’s more, I am sincere with you once more, I never want to forget him.
Someone will tell me why these words. Well, for me and for those who love me. Cancer, being a very hard event physically and, I think harder, psychologically, is a life event that has changed me and others. Or so I think, I hope I did it to better.
Today I remembered you, My Diary, for being a special day. Today it was two years since I received my last chemotherapy session. Two years already! Time flies when everything passes without major problems.
During this time since the last entry on your pages, little else has happened. Yes, I have received my third dose of the COVID vaccine. My son Martín with many doubts at home but understanding that it was the best for him and the others, has also received both doses.
In short, little by little, I hope that COVID will start to be something less serious than it was a few months ago. IMHO, I think so.
If it is true that these days the news are filled with alarming news of an increase in cases, etc. But at least as I follow more closely, my beloved Spain and my beloved Sweden, the figures are not so alarming in terms of hospital pressure. But I don’t want it to be thought that this is a call that we must live like 18-20 months ago. No, now it’s time to protect us a little. But I also believe that one should return to almost normal life, especially if one is vaccinated. Our mental and physical health will thank you very much.
On the other hand, I believe My Diary, that I am not writing you in a season. I trust that this year we can spend Christmas in Spain. It will be special, because on the one hand we will try to celebrate the entire Valladolid Family the golden anniversary of my parents in the Canary Islands, which due to the bug we could not celebrate last year.
And then to spend the end of the year and the three wise men day in Burgos with my Burgos Family. Who knows, maybe after this Christmas, the following Christmas we will no longer have to travel by plane from another country. Time will provide.
The next post will probably be on January 15th to celebrate the second anniversary of my new life or later, when I have the check-up appointment with my doctors. We will see.
Therefore, My Diary, I wish you all to continue well and I wish you very happy holidays. May these holidays be special and you can celebrate them with those you love and that as I have told you many times, My Diary, continue enjoying life. I give thanks every day for life and for being able to enjoy it with those I love.