Dear Logbook, twenty-seventh day of a new life.
My Diary, yesterday was another day in which we are gradually entering the routine.
Today my Diary, we go back to routines, prepare the breakfast, go to School and go to the office. And there continue to pick up pace and be able to gradually return to the tasks he carried before embarking on this expedition. My dear Diary, on this return I confess that YES, it is not like when ones returns from a vacation. In this case “these have been longer” in which the body and mind have faced conditions and challenges never faced to date by this Sailor. Conditions that fortunately have not had an unusual physical requirement, perhaps the fact that I could have moved so much, helped me to focus on physical recovery. But in the mental conditions, oh my dear Diary, for that I did not know or had faced before, with what I did not know how to “train” for it. I think that little by little the body helped the mind and the mind helped the body. As some scientists say they created a symbiosis in which they helped each other. And I think they made a good tandem. I am, My Diary, proud of both.
My Diary, I feel that little by little the Sailor who arrived on his dreamed Island a few weeks ago has little else to tell you. I want to tell you, at least, how I am doing with rehabilitation. As a result of seeing that little by little I feel as if I have more discomfort, because I have made an appointment with the Center for the rehabilitation of cancer patients in Stockholm. Yesterday they attended me and told me they would give me an appointment to evaluate how to help me. I’ll tell you what they tell me. With them together with the clinic where I will be two weeks, I hope to be able to physically and psychologically address life after the expedition and the new life on the dreamed Island.
Maybe my Diary, tomorrow there is something else. I won’t tell you today.