Dear Logbook, fifth day of the fourth and last trip.
Yesterday afternoon I could see the results without validating by the captains of the KS of the extraction of the precious red liquid (blood test). The land crew, as I did two weeks ago, took out a little more liquid to be able to do a BAS test again. That is to say, a test, I believe, of blood compatibilities so that in the event that a transfusion was necessary due to my negligible hemoglobin values, it would prevent problems. The fact is that according to the results, we get rid of another week. My value this week is 86 mg/l. The limit that the Captain established on September 4 was that below 80, a transfusion should be place.
After that and in the afternoon, I went shopping and that was the walk, shorter than I used to.
It hasn’t dawned yet, but I slept very well, or so I think. From 22 until almost 5:30 AM. About 7 and a half hours. Today it will rain in the morning, so I will try to take the opportunity to go for those 5 kilometers per day that I mark this week and the next one so as not to punish the body, even if I arrive home rested or without signs of fatigue.
Then, the morning will be the time to work a little and study foreign languages, or so I intend, we will see if my mind thinks the same.
Now that the end of the treatment is approaching, next Monday, November 25th will be, for now, the last day I have to embark on the KS to go to the high seas, I must plan my day to day. Otherwise, I could get into a stressful situation because I have nothing fixed in what to occupy my mind until they let me be able to be continuously and safely working in the office. At the moment my defenses, this week, are not in a critical situation, but next week for example yes. I will be for one or two days, without neutrophils and leukocytes. And the rest of values, generally below the minimum. And the famous Hemoglobin, which carries oxygen through the body, will not be known until Thursday. Anyway, as many people who are on the other side of the table tell me … quiet, you’ll be back … But I’m active and it causes me more stress than relaxation to stay at home without being able to do anything. Hence, for the month of December it is time to fill in the agenda of activities as if you were in college or university. Plan the day with “obligations.”
In the end, Diary, I am writing what I feel, as I have been doing since that September 16th, when we started on the first voyage to the high seas. I write from the heart. I have never been a writer or had a Journal. I have you now. That you accompany me in silence on this expedition.
The rest of the day as usual. With the proviso that being Friday, there is not such a rush or need to go to bed soon. Tomorrow, the Sailor chief and the little sailors don’t have to get up very early.
And my dear Diary for today nothing more.