Dear Logbook, tenth day of a new life.
Today my diary, I’m still happy. For many reasons. The first and most important, which I have been saying for a long time, is because life is wonderful with these obstacles that puts you from time to time and without them. Obstacles make you learn to appreciate things that you used to do less. Or that things that seemed trivial to you, now seem small triumphs. Today two months ago I was receiving my last chemotherapy session. Two months have passed. OMG. How time flies!
Another reason why I am happy is because I received my first order of a 3D prosthesis for a person in Spain. A person who lacks part of the right arm and with this minimal contribution from me can allow him/her to recover some of that mobility that he/she does not have. It is a project and group of people that collaborates with https://ayudame3d.org/ to be able to put a small grain of sand that makes people happy, who do not have the resources to afford a more complex prosthesis. This being able to help other people makes me immensely happy. We should all try to the best of our ability to help others. As Guillermo says, the alma mater of the project https://ayudame3d.org/
“Helping is too easy not to do.”
We should all try, we would be much happier
Another reason to be happy is that yesterday I went running, a little more than what I had done to date. Surely I will pay of being tired. Yes I know. But being able to see me with strength fills me greatly. Yesterday I went running and was able to complete 15 km at a relaxed pace of 6’30 ’on average. It’s something that I love and it fills me a lot. I can say that months ago that the body and/or the mind did not take me so far in the distance. Specifically on March 17, 2019. I have not memorized these dates. But it is that due to professional deformation or I don’t know why, I have registered 99.99% of the times that I have gone running since March 21, 2011. A total of 932 times running about 8550 km.
And another good thing yesterday. The appointments for official heart tests have already arrived. An echocardiogram like the one Sergei did the other day and a cycle-ergometry. Could it be that Captain Palma has seen me very thrown for something serious? Deep down I am very happy that she asked me for both tests. Thus we will confirm with the echocardiogram how the heart is in static and with the cycle-ergometry how it develops under an effort.
Anyway, a full day yesterday.
Today will be another great day. After making the grocery we will receive at home our friends Rafa and Paula with their little sailors. Together we will take a walk and then turn to have lunch and enjoy the company.
For my part I continue sleeping around 7-8 h. With what good for that part. Of the rest of things, well, without major changes.
And my Diary, for today I don’t tell you anything else.
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