Dear Logbook, twelfth day of the fifth trip.
Yesterday was a day as I told you about the extraction of precious red liquid. The results indicated that certain values are gradually rising. Hemoglobin continues upwards, so we gradually approach the barrier of not leaving anemia for a while, maybe in several weeks we will arrive. Neutrophils have risen little, but we also reach the minimum threshold shortly. In summary we gradually improve. This will be slow because the body has been punished very hard with the potions, but it reacts. The doctors see them well. Of my B12 and my folic acid, nothing we can climb more, I have them very high and despite that I have peripheral neuropathy in my hands. I will have to live with her.
Today dawns without rain and with good temperature. But the best part of the day is that today is the birthday of my Sailor Chief, Marta. Congratulations, thanks a thousand times for being by my side. I love you so much.
After leaving the little Sailors at the School shift to go for a walk, and then eat with Marta and rest. Tonight we will have dinner outside to celebrate both birthdays.
My dear Diary tomorrow more.
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