Dear Logbook, second day of the fifth trip.
Yesterday ended more or less as I anticipated. I want to highlight the fact that the podcast or recording of a radio program was published. The program is “A Tu Ritmo”, directed by a great friend, Luis Blanco. With him six years ago I participated in a challenge where mine was able to finish a marathon, that in Valencia was the first of the five sports marathons that I finished. Now I find myself as I say in my “sixth”. This is not sports, it is vital, and it is the most important. In this program, after the minute 20, I tell my story.
That program for me was full of emotion, because it is no longer just the fact of telling my story, but if Luis saves you that surprise in the end, it made my tears skip. Luis, friend, thanks. As I said, I want my sixth sports marathon to be for charitable purposes, I want to raise money to help research or treat childhood cancer. I know that I repeat myself a lot, I’m sorry, Diary, but living this in the first person, I see it super unfair and very hard for a child and his family to have to go through this. Hence, It could be great if I can contribute with my grain of sand.
Today, my Diary, has not yet dawned, will do it with the snowy city. How beautiful is the snow! Today, after the little sailors get up and take Gadea to school, I will have my English class. Then there will come one of the most important tasks that I think I have set up almost every day, walking or exercising. Yesterday were 11 kilometers. And as I will tell in the program, I think that the one that has moved me so much since the beginning of the first voyage on the high seas (chemo session) has made it better and has endured the voyages quite well. From the first voyage, there by September 16, until today I have walked 584 km and I have ridden 234km on the bike. My Diary, if I had been home without exercise, I think that my body and my head would have been much worse. Therefore, I recommend to everyone that you move, I know that walking requires more time, then jogging, join my Ca-Tro movement. Swim, ride a bike. Be active You and those around you will thank you.
After the walk, which will be another 10-12km, I will get home and eat. Then turn to get a little more with the languages and do things with the 3D printer. To the poor 3D printer, lately I do not leave her alone. And then the classic, pick up the little sailor, snack, dinner and sleep. Like today, I will take only the infusion. We have been several days without taking a pill. I do not sleep more than 6 hours, but I wake up well and during the day I am not tired.
I think that for today, my dear Diary, nothing more.
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