Dear Logbook, eighth day of the third trip.
Tonight I have returned to the insomnia. I need a lot of time to falling asleep and it hasn’t been many hours. But at least I have rested.
Today the day rises cool, but at least they do not give rain forecasts. This week we will see at the end if the forecasts that the first snowflakes can fall are confirmed.
After preparing the breakfast meal for the Little sailor and taking them to school. I will run errands until it is time to taste the food and walk to the KS dock where to embark for the last voyage of this third trip. If we are guided by the past, this will be with the calm sea and lasting less than an hour. After the voyage and arriving in port, I have to go with the nutrition crew, to verify how I am going with my weight. Then I will ask for a carriage to get home.
The afternoon, like the others. Dinner meals and go to sleep. This week is along with the next week, less visits to the KS.
And my dear Diary, tomorrow something else.