Dear Logbook, 16th day of the second trip.
Yesterday ended without news. Last night, at least I slept well. Perhaps that was due to yesterday’s walk or to the fact that I didn’t take prednisone. Maybe it’s just the result of finally glimpsing a light at the end of the tunnel with regard to the apartment issue. Most probably it’s a little bit of everything together. Anyway, I keep taking the pill that helps me sleep for the moment.
Today has dawned without rain, but with clouds and a lot of wind, which has made today’s walk, depending on the areas, less peaceful and pleasant than other days. But still, I have gone for a walk. Then, it was time to have lunch and do things at home.
The afternoon will be as usual. I think there will be little news.
Yesterday I told you that I could talk about food or mouth care from my point of view and short experience. I will do about the mouth care. As soon as I started this expedition, I was given a book in Swedish on care in general. On the issue of mouth care, they recommend that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and use a soft toothbrush with a small head to avoid bleeding. One of the side effects of chemotherapy is that blood platelet levels decrease and in case of bleeding it is difficult to cut it easily.
Dear Logbook, 16th day of the second trip.
Yesterday ended without news. Last night, at least I slept well. Perhaps that was due to yesterday’s walk or to the fact that I didn’t take prednisone. Maybe it’s just the result of finally glimpsing a light at the end of the tunnel with regard to the apartment issue. Most probably it’s a little bit of everything together. Anyway, I keep taking the pill that helps me sleep for the moment.
Today has dawned without rain, but with clouds and a lot of wind, which has made today’s walk, depending on the areas, less peaceful and pleasant than other days. But still, I have gone for a walk. Then, it was time to have lunch and do things at home.
The afternoon will be as usual. I think there will be little news.
Yesterday I told you that I could talk about food or mouth care from my point of view and short experience. I will do about the mouth care. As soon as I started this expedition, I was given a book in Swedish on care in general. On the issue of mouth care, they recommend that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day and use a soft toothbrush with a small head to avoid bleeding. One of the side effects of chemotherapy is that blood platelet levels decrease and in case of bleeding it is difficult to cut it easily.
That is why you should brush your teeth softly. But you’d better not stop doing it. Remember that infections should be avoided. In fact, before starting chemotherapy they recommend a dental check-up in order to avoid the start of chemotherapy with mouth problems. On the other hand, chemotherapy tends to affect the mucous membranes, which facilitates the presence of ulcers, haftas, etc. in your mouth, so sometimes the use of soft mouthwashes is helpful. In my case, a homemade bicarbonate mouthwash helps me: I boil water in a saucepan with a jar inside, and then I fill the jar with 250 ml of boiled water and add 5-6 gr of sodium bicarbonate. That mixture helps to soften the mouth and heal possible ulcers. Another option is the use of chlorhexidine mouthwashes, but you cannot do it continuously, as they could stain your teeth. Others on the market are those that carry hyaluronic acid. But I am doing well with the homemade mouthwash for the moment. And dear diary, tomorrow, more.
That is why you should brush your teeth softly. But you’d better not stop doing it. Remember that infections should be avoided. In fact, before starting chemotherapy they recommend a dental check-up in order to avoid the start of chemotherapy with mouth problems. On the other hand, chemotherapy tends to affect the mucous membranes, which facilitates the presence of ulcers, haftas, etc. in your mouth, so sometimes the use of soft mouthwashes is helpful. In my case, a homemade bicarbonate mouthwash helps me: I boil water in a saucepan with a jar inside, and then I fill the jar with 250 ml of boiled water and add 5-6 gr of sodium bicarbonate. That mixture helps to soften the mouth and heal possible ulcers. Another option is the use of chlorhexidine mouthwashes, but you cannot do it continuously, as they could stain your teeth. Others on the market are those that carry hyaluronic acid. But I am doing well with the homemade mouthwash for the moment.
And dear diary, tomorrow, more.