Dear Logbook, fourteenth day of the second trip.
Yesterday, at the end of the afternoon, the little sailor Martín and I took for a quiet ride on bike. This time we rode around the perimeter of our island, which is completely flat. Then dinner time came and we went to sleep.
The night’s sleep has been about 8 hours, but with many interruptions. I don’t have those intense pains anymore, like the ones I had from Thursday to Friday, but I still have those stabs that, depending on my body position, are more or less bearable.
It has dawned raining. It is one of those days that are not pretty for the moment. Then we will go for a short walk with some friends and have lunch with them.
As I have the PET / CT test tomorrow, I have been told not to do any intense exercise during the previous 48 hours. Now I will explain what this test consists of in essence. After arriving at the KS ship, an intravenous (I-V) line will be inserted in my arm. I think it will be the fifteenth one since we started this expedition. Once it is placed, they will take me to a quiet area, I will lie down and they will ask me to drink half a liter of water in a period of about 30 minutes. Then they will inject a solution of glucose and radioactive isotopes. There I will lie down for an hour so that my body has enough time to distribute the solution. It seems that cancer cells are eager to trap that glucose before anyone else. Thus, in the PET scanner (Positron Emission Tomography), these cells “light up” and allow images to be taken showing where they are and how large these tumors are. Then, when this PET process is over, I will get an iodinated contrast to make a CT scan (computerized axial tomography) and get more images of the body. This will last about 2 or 3 hours in total. Tomorrow, I will tell you how it went.
After lunch we will go to see a flat. As some of you know, on January 1st, 2020 we have to live in a new home. That is why we are looking for accommodation for 2020.
I guess the rest of the afternoon, which is the eve of the beginning of the week, will go by as usual. So we will have a snack, dinner and go to sleep.
And Dear Diary, I will surely tell you something else tomorrow.