Dear Logbook, seventh day of the first trip.
Nothing extraordinary has happened today regarding how I feel. We are still very animated and enjoying walks both in solitude and in the company of friends that are tremendously worthwhile. On land, it is time to recharge body and soul in order to face the voyages in the best possible way.
Yesterday, in view of the fact that the post office was beginning to be overwhelmed by all those displays of encouragement from family and friends, I decided, together with the help of a great friend, to launch a communication channel through which people can express their emotions, doubts, etc. And for me, if this blog serves to help only one person besides me, all the effort I dedicate to it will be well spent. These things nourish me and encourage me to continue sailing with more and more desire.
Dear Diary, I must confess that in these lines I intend to express how I am feeling at this new stage of life. That is why, surely when I read you again in some time, I will continue to get excited and cry as I am doing now. Life is capricious and offers us pleasant and less pleasant surprises, but deep inside I think we must take advantage of them to grow even more if possible in every way. Let´s take the things that give us strength and leave those that do not.
I truly believe that what I express here not only applies to me but also to my better half, companion of fatigue, beloved and always willing Marta. An incredibly kind person who is always giving me support and enduring my tiredness, eccentricities, etc. My darling, I will never be able to thank you and God enough for bringing us together. A thousand times, thank you. I love you so very much.
After this brief confession and unloading of emotion built up over this voyage, Diary, I can only surmise that today we will go for a walk in company again, if the weather permits it. This is my life at weekends, more bearable than the one on weekdays because my alone time is shorter.
And as it is Sunday, after having had breakfast, it is time to plan and organize the magic potions in the form of pills for the whole next week. I never thought that I would have to do this task so early in life as I considered it more typical of the elderly. But you see, Diary, one never knows what life may bring. Perhaps because of my love for data tables and ease in handling figures in my work as an engineer, this task, organized in advance in a table, is simple and soon completed. During this voyage at sea and on land, some days I will have to take more solid potions (12 pills) at breakfast than food itself. Another day I will tell you what I usually have for breakfast.
Tomorrow, on the 23rd, we are facing another voyage with new unknown liquids that will help me reach the long-awaited final destination soon. We will see if it is a calm day. The KS will be ready with its crew to set sail for that new, unknown and exciting voyage.
Maybe I have not said that we will make crossings with the KS throughout this time. We will do that by making four crossings every 21 days. The crossings or departures to the sea, where we receive the magic liquids, are the first, second, third and eighth days of every 21 days. And we will repeat this process again after finishing the first 21 days. It should be noted that on the 19th day we meet with the captain and we evaluate how the previous three weeks have been and how we are assimilating this process after extracting and analyzing that valuable red liquid. If from these data together with the captain´s expertise it is decided to resume the crossing on the 22nd, a cycle or “kurse”, as they say in the local language, is restarted. If the data indicate that it is better to wait, we will do so. That is better than going out to sea with risks that a storm can cause damage to the ship and delay the trip further or require urgent help. Perhaps, Diary, I have piled more information on you than that needed for clarification. I think that for today this is enough. Tomorrow, after the crossing, we will tell you how Sunday ended and how we set sail and arrived at the port.