Dear Logbook, hundredth twelfth day of a new life.
My Diary, today dawned sunny. It dawned a little earlier, because together with Anette we decided to make churros for everyone for breakfast. The truth that people did not disgust him. After breakfast I decided that instead of going to the gym I was going to run. I went for a run. I did it through the forest that I knew yesterday and lengthening around Sigtuna. In all about 11 km at a quiet pace. After that, time to get to the room and change to eat.
After the meal, time to rest a little. After that break today we had an exercise class with the pilates ball. I hope to get into the habit of making them at home more or less assiduously. After that class, rest for a while and then it was the turn of the relaxation session. They are like 40-50 ’where you really relax. And then time for the dinner and the walk to Sigtuna. Time to share experiences. Today a good time of the walk, I did it talking to Patrick. He has been through the same as me. Hodgkin lymphoma and has been treated in the same Ship, with the same Captain and with the same contact nurse. Life things. After the walk, with a very beautiful sunset it was time to move a little further with the puzzle.
And my Diary, little else I tell you today. We keep moving forward.
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