Dear Logbook, thirty-first day of a new life.
My Diary, yesterday was a normal day as to what happened in the office, at home, etc. As I anticipated, it was going to be a day of not stopping with the bike. In the morning between leaving the Little sailor Gadea in the pool, go to the offices of our Metro client and go to my office, then about 13 km or so and in the afternoon from the office and go to pick the Little sailor Gadea up and buy others 6, in total about 19 km. That to be a daily day is not bad. On the other hand, I ask the ship’s crew when I could get vaccinated against borrelia encephalitis that the nice ticks of the Stockholm archipelago can transmit. Well, the answer has been about 6 months later since your last voyage to the high seas (chemotherapy sesión) to be effective. This indicates the power of the potions given on the high seas, that the body is almost 6 months eliminating them … I still consider myself a being fortunate to be able to tell you in his day and today that I never had a session on the high seas with Little wavves (nausea) or with strong swell (vomiting). I say this because I do nothing but read cases of people who with BEACOPP potions are all the while with my head out of the boat on the side, vomiting … And with the scalated BEACOPP potions, they have to enter the urgencies of the boats to control the vomiting. In short, I don’t know if there is an explanation as to why my quiet journeys or No. Luck, fortune, body accustomed to exercise, it will not be known.
Today my Diary, is Saturday and as such day to take a car and go for the meals of the week. Last week before our celebration trip to have reached the first island, I hope it is the last. After going for the meal, time to prepare them and go for a walk with the Little sailors, we will go to the technology museum.
Today, it is February 15. Today is the world day against children cancer. I encourage you to several things, the first, donate marrow, one of the most common cancers in children is blood and especially Leukemia, that is why I beg you to become bone marrow donors. You can save lives. Another thing is, why don’t you help with a donation to any association that collaborates against children cancer? For example https://criscancer.org/es/ or https://aladina.org/ or any other.
And my Diary, tomorrow Sunday, I’m sure I’ll tell you more For now, I still find reasons to continue to be honest with you.
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