Dear Logbook, fifth day of the third trip.
Yesterday ended as I told you. In the end we went to sleep tiredly all the Sailors and Little sailors before 21.30. I managed to sleep from the pull until 3.30 AM with what six hours and then I revealed myself but I was in bed for a while until I got up.
Today has dawned with few clouds and all the cars with ice to be already at -3º. The day throws a forecast of maximums of 5 degrees, but at least with little wind.
We have all got up and today, non-working day, Sailor Chief Marta and the Little sailors will go to the Amusement Park. I will put warm clothes and ride with the bike for a short walk around the city. Then it will be my turn to eat and rest until they arrive. And see something all together and have dinner and sleep.
At the moment regarding the treatment, because what it touches in these days between crossings is to continue taking the potions ordered and in the case of the scars of the catheter surgery as the ground crewman told me yesterday they are very well. Just take care of a blister that came out on the edge of the dressing they put on. But otherwise the catheter does not bother at all, although, in certain areas near the armpit, where they looked for the cephalic vein, tightening it is noted that it has yet to heal internally. But it’s nothing that bothers daily chores. Too bad that due to the inflammation of certain nodes near the supraclavicular vein they could not put it before.
At the moment this weekend is calm, but the weather forecasts will rain. As we will have a calm week end at home.
And tomorrow my Diary, something else.
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