Dear Logbook, thirteenth day of the first trip
Yesterday there was no big news. I received the visit of my usual night “friend” sleeplessness or insomnia again after only a few hours of not very deep sleep. Anyway, it is nothing that this sailor has not experienced during these thirteen days of crossings. After breakfast, it is worth mentioning the visit of the land crew, who brought me new potions to rest a little more. The new potions have made me rest for a longer time.
The night began as usual but I took the new potion to be able to fight my night “friend”. I slept for several hours and my chest began to hurt bit by bit. Stabbing pains came and went until the point of being very painful. Therefore, I contacted the land crew by using the means provided by them and they decided that the best thing was to order a special carriage with trained crew members.
So the special carriage came to take me to the ship, where a special crew was waiting for me to analyze the origin of the stabs in my chest. It should be remarked that this ship only admits sailors that are previously in the system, no one else. They took a little of the precious red liquid, and filled me with wires. After a while, which was not very long, it seemed that everything was fine. False alarm, sailor. The values reflected in the analysis of the liquid indicate that nothing is rare. And there is a very important thing on this occasion, the defenses that had gone on excursion are coming back. And there is little more to tell about my stay on the boat. The captain of this crew gave me his ok to leave the ship, prescribed a new potion for my stomach and changed my potion to sleep. Then I took the carriage to head for home.
Following the captain’s advice, if it doesn’t rain, I will go for a family walk with my wife and the little sailors, who have already learned to use that device with wheels and pedals. Then, in the afternoon, we will stay at home and maybe make different meals for dinner or tomorrow.
We will see how the day ends. Regarding all the rest, we have no group plans, and since my defenses are still down, I will try to play it safe and stay away from trouble. It is time to take care of myself to face the third exciting week of this first trip in good condition. Dairy, for today there is little more to comment.
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