Dear Logbook, one hundred and fourteenth day of a new life.
My Diary, today the day like the others. I woke up early, put on the mask and continued sleeping … Then after breakfast I went for a walk in the woods.
And the Medical Yoga session has arrived. After that session I met with the physical therapist to evaluate how I am after these two weeks. And how I had felt in everything. After the pool gym, lunch shift. As always trying to keep myself healthy.
After lunch, I met Eva, a nurse who is amazing and very kind. Yesterday there was a lecture about stress and sleep, which, of course, was in Swedish. Well, she has made the effort to translate it for me and explain it to me. It has been very interesting. And then it was time to go jogging for a while. At first I wanted to go running about 5 km, but things got complicated for me … I got into some tracks that ended in trails with roots on all sides and occasionally many stones … a full-blown Trail. And passing by a path a deer crossed my path. I have loved it. It has been 11 km. Little by little, I feel better. 164 days after the last trip to the high seas (chemotherapy). So I will be happy.
After that, a quick shower and a walk to the city that all of us in the group had stayed, who had dinner together in going to dinner at Sigtuna. We had the entire terrace and restaurant to ourselves … And then back to the clinic we had a week’s farewell with cheeses, a little salami, Serrano ham or the like, and fruit. The best thing, being able to talk to people for a while, well, almost two hours.
And my Diary, this is coming to an end. Since it is fair, I must thank Marta infinitely. What has had to take care of everything these two weeks. I say it, and I will keep saying it, I don’t know how I can thank you for all this. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you a lot!
And my Diary, nothing else for today.
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