Dear Logbook, eleventh day of the fifth trip.
Yesterday at the end the day was very complete. Great day. In the morning the CT Scan at the scheduled time and time using the catheter (Porth-A-Cat), so great. Then the interviews with the children oncology people, I think it was better than expected, so it may be worth doing #ChemoBox. Let’s hope so. And my birthday, what to say, how many people have congratulated me. And the best, that in the end a few more have been encouraged and we have helped and contributed a grain of sand to CRIS contra el cancer.
Today, finally, dawns without rain. Cool, yes, but we are close to the Arctic circle and we are at December 19. This is not the Caribbean. But at least we can take a warm walk without water. Yesterday at the end, I took the walk in the afternoon. Well, when I left the hospital it was raining and windy, so I took a taxi home, to eat, rest and then take a walk. Today, I will leave the little sailors, I will wait for the call of the ground crew that I do not know if it only comes with a masterpiece or a Captain also comes to talk about my neuropathy in the hands and the pimples and itching in the face. With a hydrocortisone cream it seems to improve somewhat. From the results of the extraction of my precious red liquid, then wait for the afternoon. We assume that hemoglobin will rise somewhat, not much. And of the defenses, we will see. My poor bone marrow is tired of the beating that potions have given it on the high seas. Or at least that’s what Countermaster Lisa told me when we talked about it.
And for today little else.